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Easter message from Bishop Griselda

The Episcopal Church of Cuba has been proactively building awareness across Cuba of the important steps to take to avoid the spread of COVID 19, and supporting communities across the country. Just like here in the US and across the globe, Cuba is being severely challenged during this Easter Season. With that in mind, please see below for Bishop Griselda's Easter Message - first in Spanish, followed by English.


Celebramos la resurrección de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en ésta mañana como inicio de una nueva estación. Con ésa certeza avizoramos la situación actual tan compleja. Si no, vana fuera nuestra fe.

Aquel que ha vencido el dolor y la muerte para dar aliento de vida a la humanidad, da encuentro en el camino a María Magdalena y la otra María para decirles: “¡Salve! ¡No teman, vayan, den las Buenas Nuevas a mis hermanos, para que vayan a Galilea. Allí me verán!” Así leemos en el Evangelio de San Mateo 28:1-10, especialmente verso 9.

Ellas, le reconocen y conmocionándose se ponen ante sus pies y le adoran, para luego llevar la noticia a los discípulos.

Jesús, el hijo del Dios viviente, como a sus seguidores entonces, nos dice hoy: “Vayan a Galilea… el mundo donde están los desesperanzados y desconcertados, los que han perdido la luz y el camino, vayan a Galilea”.

En el encuentro con El, se da una profunda transformación. El encuentro permite vernos a nosotros mismos cómo somos, cómo nos transformamos, cómo nos hacemos sus seguidores por FE.

La celebración de esta Pascua ha llegado a ser la encrucijada de la fe. Estamos desafiados a vivir la Resurrección de Cristo en tiempos de miedo a la muerte y exclusión. La enfermedad, la pandemia, la muerte vienen a ser experiencias inquietantes que nos hace reconocer nuestra fragilidad y limitación como seres humanos.

Hoy nuestras seguridades y cimientos parecen estar moviéndose hacia el peligro que está a la vista. No hay otro espacio donde protegerse, (aun teniendo en cuenta la frase tan repetida: quédate en casa y cualquier otra medida a tomar).

Como aquel puñado de mujeres y hombres que le seguían, es preciso hoy, al reconocerle ponerse ante sus pies para adorarle. Desde allí Dios hará brotar en nuestro ser el impulso de ir cumplir su misión.

Hoy, como seguidores de Cristo JESÚS escuchamos sus palabras que nos desafían a vivir su Resurrección que significa “ir a Galilea”, al territorio de una realidad difícil, del caos y la desesperanza. Ir a Galilea es ir a lo paradójico y desconcertante del mundo. Esto nos desafía a buscar equilibrio entre el miedo y la esperanza, entre el letargo y la entrega.

La experiencia de la Pascua hoy es amar y valorar la VIDA en toda su plenitud, y amando así, servir con mayor pasión y respeto a cada ser humano: hermanas y hermanos, en especial los de mayor vulnerabilidad. Es reafirmar que en todo, todos dependemos de todos, que solamente juntos podemos abordar las multifacéticas necesidades presentes.

Vivir la Pascua es dar gracias por la vida de innumerables personas han hecho florecer potencialidades de solidaridad, de generosidad, de servicio amoroso de tan distintas maneras creativas, que donan vida y esperanza a quienes lo necesitan, en especial el personal médico. Y por la vida de aquellos que luchan incansablemente contra la devastación moral, social, ecológica a nivel mundial y la devastación espiritual.

Es preciso continuar orando por todos aquellos que han fallecido y sus familias en todas partes del mundo; por los que están angustiados y al borde de sus fuerzas; por aquellos que han quedado desamparados. Que sigan brotando manos y corazones que en nombre del Resucitado procuren cuidado, alivio y esperanza.

Queridos niños y niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes, mujeres y hombres de hoy, que el encuentro con Cristo nos transforme integralmente. Él nos promete que estará allí, en medio del temor y lo insólito. Entonces, vivir su resurrección signifique re-diseñar un nuevo modo de abordar la existencia, el pensamiento y el discernimiento, las prioridades, los valores, los caminos a seguir y las decisiones a tomar.

Signifique re-diseñar las relaciones con uno mismo, con la familia, con los otros, con la naturaleza y con Dios nuestro Creador. Y liberar las potencialidades que Él nos ha otorgado a cada persona para combatir sin tregua contra todo lo que deshumaniza, degrada y aniquila la Sagrada Creación dentro la cual está la humanidad.

Juntos como familia, juntos como comunidades, a través de esta aciaga experiencia actual, aprendamos a valorar la VIDA, a profundizar la FE, a captar el Evangelio y seguirlo; abramos todos los espacios para el encuentro con JESÚS DE NAZARET, el Hijo de Dios Viviente, el que ha vencido el dolor y la muerte para darnos VIDA Y VIDA PLENA.

En la Gracia y la Paz del Resucitado, les ama

+María Griselda.

PASTORAL LETTER AT EASTER 2020 We celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ this morning as the start of a new season. With that certainty we envision the current complex situation. If not, our faith is in vain. He who has overcome pain and death to breathe life into humanity, meets Mary Magdalene and the other Mary on the path and says to them: “Hail! Do not fear. Go and give the Good News to my brothers, so that they go to Galilee. There they will see me! ” As stated in the Gospel of Matthew 28: 1-10, especially verse 9. They recognize him and they lay themselves before his feet and adore him, then bring the news to the disciples. Jesus, the son of the living God, as to his followers then, tells us today: "Go to Galilee ... the world where the hopeless and bewildered are, those who have lost the light and the way. Go to Galilee." In the encounter with Him, there is a profound transformation. The encounter allows us to see ourselves as we are, how we transform, how we become his followers by FAITH. The celebration of this Easter has become the crossroads of faith. We are challenged to live the Resurrection of Christ in times of fear of death and exclusion. Illness, pandemic, death become disturbing experiences that make us recognize our fragility and limitation as human beings.

Today our security and foundations seem to be moving towards the danger that is in sight. There is no other space to protect yourself, (even taking into account the repeated phrase: stay home and take whatever other measures you can). Like that handful of women and men who followed him, it is precisely today, when we should recognize him and put ourselves before his feet to adore him. From there God will give rise to our impulse to go and fulfill his mission. Today, as followers of Christ JESUS ​​we listen to his words that challenge us to live his Resurrection - which means "going to Galilee", to the territory of a difficult reality, of chaos and despair. Going to Galilee is going to the paradoxical and perplexing of this world. This challenges us to find a balance between fear and hope, between lethargy and surrender. The experience of Easter today is to love and value LIFE in all its fullness, and thus loving, serve with greater passion and respect for each human being: sisters and brothers, especially those who are most vulnerable. It is to reaffirm that in everything, we all depend on each other. That only together can we tackle the multifaceted needs of the present. Living Easter is giving thanks for the lives of countless people who have given life to the potential of solidarity, generosity, and loving service in so many creative ways - which give life and hope to those in need, especially medical personnel. And for the lives of those who fight tirelessly against moral, social, ecological devastation worldwide and spiritual devastation. We must continue to pray for all those who have died and their families in all parts of the world; for those who are distressed and on the verge of their strength; and for those who have been abandoned.

Dear boys and girls, adolescents, youth, women and men of today, may the encounter with Christ completely transform us. He promises us that he will be there, in the midst of fear and the unusual. So, living his resurrection means re-designing a new way of approaching life, thought and discernment, priorities, values, ways to follow and decisions to make. It means re-designing relationships with oouselves, with the family, with others, with nature and with God our Creator. And to release the potential that He has given to each person to fight relentlessly against everything that dehumanizes, degrades and annihilates the Sacred Creation within which humanity is. Together as a family, together as communities, through this fateful current experience, we learn to value LIFE, to deepen FAITH, to grasp the Gospel and follow it; Let us open all spaces for the encounter with JESUS ​​OF NAZARETH, the Son of the Living God, the one who has overcome pain and death to give us LIFE AND FULL LIFE.   In the Grace and Peace of the Risen One, + María Griselda.

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May 21, 2020

Hello every one I want to use this medium to appreciate Dr tunde a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex lover when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now (6 months ago) He performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I receive a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that w…

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