Dear Friends of Cuba,
Providing support to our brothers and sisters in Cuba has never been more difficult … but has never been more necessary. Last year's campaign was a huge success, so we are repeating it again this year.
Providing a joyous Christmas dinner and celebration for all 52 Episcopal communities across Cuba.
The current situation in Cuba is the worst that many have seen in decades. One of the most critical issues facing communities across the country is a tremendous shortage of food - especially meat. For perspective, when available, 1lb of pork costs about 10% of a monthly salary. A box of eggs costs 20% of a monthly salary. And that's why we're launching project Feliz Navidad Cuba 2023!
We plan to provide a community Christmas meal/celebration for every parish and mission community of the Episcopal Diocese in Cuba as a very tangible expression of love and support of our brothers and sisters in Cuba.
We will be working with each clergy member to provide funds that will enable them to organize a Christmas meals/celebration in each of the communities they serve. If food is not available locally, particularly meat, we have the ability to purchase meat that's already in Cuba and ship it to each clergy member.
Based on our learnings from 2022, each community meal will cost $350. That totals $18,200 to serve all 52 parishes and mission communities.
Please donate whatever you can to help us lift the spirits of our Cuban brothers and sisters and share with them, in a real and tangible way, the community they share with The Episcopal Church in the US.

Please send checks made payable to Friends of ECC (with Feliz Navidad in the memo line) to:
Rev. Mark Pendleton - Treasurer,
218 Post Road,
Greenland NH 03840
We are thankful for your support and wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!