Dear Friends,
A pastoral letter from Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio follows (in English & Spanish). At the
bottom of this message is a donation link for helping the urgent situation in Cuba.

Havana, September 15, 2017.
Dear Diocesan Family:
In recent weeks we have intensely experienced natural and meteorological events of varying magnitude— both in our territory and in other geographical areas of the continent. Prayer has been and is an instrument that strengthens and unites us, and allows us to overcome the harsh experiences during an event, as if it were the later stages of recovery.
In our case, the passage of hurricane Irma through our country and other islands of the Caribbean, as well as the state of Florida, has made us both understand and undergo the devastating danger of phenomena of great proportions, before which we are vulnerable.
There is no doubt that we felt that life was being threatened by the fury of the wind and the flood of waters, experienced the human limit, and it is at this time that our faith is affirmed and exclaimed with the Psalmist— Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain. —Psalm 127:1
We give great thanks to all the brothers and sisters from so many different places, communities, churches— friends who have been in prayer continuously day after day and offer us their help, solidarity and support.
We present our gratitude to God, only by His grace have we felt sustained in moments of great darkness. May this certainty accompany and strengthen us at all times. May we continue to help and serve those who are most fragile. That with our little bit of solidarity, we contribute the best we can in the reconstruction— not only materially but also morally, emotionally and spiritually for our people. Let us be grateful to those who are working without pause on the different fronts of action so that we can return to normal. May we humbly understand that we depend only on the love and mercy of God. And to realize that His deep Presence fills every corner of the universe.
I invite you once again to widen the space of our tent-home-heart— that is where God allows us to meet one another today— beside one another, building together for the future.
Finally, I urge you to become aware of the responsibility that we have before the Creation— which has been given to us by God— a gift that we have not known how to care for and protect as we should. Climate change is today already a reality and, without a doubt, so are its devastating effects...
At the beginning of September we made an invitation to begin the liturgical cycle with a Season of Creation. It is an opportunity for the whole community to share and discern the need to change attitudes, thoughts and actions in favor of the Sacred Creation of God, of which we are an integral part.
May the Spirit of God, who is above all, in all and for all, fill you with the knowledge of the presence of God on Earth and the impulse of Christ within each one of you.
A hug, in His Love and His Grace,
+ Griselda
Diocesan Bishop
Please consider a donation now, which is being facilitated by the Community of the Cross of Nails through the donate button on their main page or directly at this link– Donate via Cross of Nails. In special instructions please write ONLY "HURRICANE IRMA RELIEF". Nothing more, and nothing less. All donations with this designation/instruction will go to the Episcopal Church of Cuba.
If sending a check, please write the check to "Community of the Cross of Nails" and include "Hurricane Irma Relief" in the memo line, then mail to:
CCN-North America
c/o Church of the Good Shepherd
P.O. Box 145
Lookout Mtn., TN 37350
The Community of the Cross of Nails is a non-profit, religious corporation under the Laws of the State of Georgia and is tax exempt under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the IRC. Donors are, therefore, entitled to deduct their contributions under Sec. 170(a) of the IRC. Please also read about the peace, justice and reconciliation mission of the Community of the Cross of Nails by clicking HERE.
The Friends of the Episcopal Church of Cuba
La Habana, 15 de septiembre del 2017.
Querida Familia diocesana:
Estas últimas semanas hemos vivido intensamente eventos meteorológicos de diversa magnitud tanto en nuestro territorio como en otras áreas geográficas del continente. La oración ha sido y es un instrumento que nos fortalece y nos une, y nos permite superar las duras experiencias durante el evento como la etapa posterior de recuperación.
En nuestro caso, el paso del huracán Irma por nuestro país y demás islas del Caribe así como por el estado de La Florida, nos ha hecho sentir y experimentar el peligro devastador de fenómenos de grandes proporciones, ante los cuales somos vulnerables.
No cabe duda que hemos sentido que la vida estaba siendo amenazada ante la furia del viento y la crecida de las aguas, experimentado el límite humano, y es en estos momentos que se afirma nuestra fe y exclamamos con el Salmista— Si el Señor no construye la casa, en vano se cansan los albañiles. Si el Señor no guarda la ciudad, en vano vigilan los centinelas. (Salmo 127,1).
Damos inmensas gracias a todos los hermanos y hermanas de tan diferentes lugares, comunidades, iglesias, amigos y amigas que han estado en oración continuamente día a día y nos ofrecen su ayuda solidaria y acompañamiento.
Presentamos nuestra gratitud a Dios, sólo por su Gracia nos hemos sentido sostenidos en los momentos de mayor oscuridad. Que ésta certeza nos acompañe y fortalezca en todo momento. Que continuemos ayudando y sirviendo a quienes están en mayor fragilidad. Que con nuestro solidario granito de arena aportemos lo mejor que podamos en la reconstrucción no sólo material sino también moral, emocional y espiritual de nuestro pueblo. Que seamos agradecidos con aquellos que están trabajando sin pausa en los diferentes frentes de acción para que podamos volver a la normalidad. Que humildemente comprendamos que sólo dependemos del amor y la misericordia de Dios. Y a constatar que Su profunda Presencia llena todos los rincones del universo.
Les invito una vez más a ensanchar el espacio de nuestra tienda-hogar-corazón, es ahí donde Dios permite que nos encontremos hoy, unos al lado de los otros construyendo juntos para el futuro.
Finalmente, les exhorto a tomar conciencia de la responsabilidad que tenemos frente a la Creación que nos ha sido dada por Dios como regalo y que no hemos sabido cuidar y proteger debidamente. El cambio climático es ya hoy una realidad y ahí están sin duda sus efectos devastadores…
A inicio del mes de Septiembre hicimos una invitación a comenzar con el ciclo litúrgico de la Estación de la Creación, es una oportunidad para que toda la comunidad comparta y discierna sobre la necesidad de cambiar actitudes, pensamientos y acciones en favor de la Sagrada Creación de Dios, de la cual somos parte integrante.
Que el Espíritu de Dios, quien está por encima de todo, en todos y por todos, los llene con el conocimiento de la presencia de Dios en la tierra y el impulso de Cristo dentro de cada uno de ustedes.
Un abrazo, en Su Amor y en Su Gracia,
Obispa Diocesana