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Fieles a Jesús Episcopal Church 

Matanzas, Cuba

Rev. Tulia Sánchez Ortiga, Pastor

The church was founded on August 8, 1883. It is the first non-Roman Catholic Cuban Congregation organized in Cuba, the cradle of the patriotic and independence missionary heritage.


Everything was made possible due to the efforts of the Archdeacon Venerable John P.  Rhoads of the Philadelphia Bible Society, who made the arrangements for Don Pedro Duarte and Alberto J, Díaz to be commissioned to open the mission in Cuba.


In February 1956 during the celebration of the Annual Convocation held here, Bishop Alexander Hugo Blankingship declared the Church Faithful to Jesus as "the oldest monument of the Protestant faith in Cuba". Thus continues this parish - an uninterrupted testimony of faith. It also served as the seat of the first Ordination of Women to the Sacred Ministry in our diocese in November 1986.


Lately we worked hard to renovate the church, build rooms, dining  room and kitchen, beautify neighboring halls and patios. This was made possible by the help of St. Luke's sister churches in the city of Live Oak, Florida, and in North Carolina, Episcopal Cathedral All Souls of the City of Asheville and Holy Spirit Parish in the city of Mars Hill .


Today we intend to extend the service of lunches to vulnerable people. The hostel is also intended to provide opportunities for diocesan activities and other churches. There is a purified water service to the community and a handicraft workshop as occupational therapy and in order to increase the finances of the parish.

Classification: D

Nearest Airport(s):
Matanzas, 2 hrs.

Varadero, 30 min.

- Church building

- Rectory


Cost Range:

$5,000 - $8,000

Current partner(s): 
- St. Luke’s, Live Oak FL


- All Souls Cathedral, Ashville NC

- Holy Spirit Parish, Mars Hill, NC

Patricia K. Cage - President

1 203 858 5794

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