San Felipe el Diácono Episcopal Church
Limonar, Cuba
Rev. Marianela de la Paz Cot, Pastor
The Church was founded in 1907 and has maintained 110 years of uninterrupted presence in the village of Limonar. For many years this Church has been a center of cultural diffusion among the poorest population forming part of the history of the town.
Throughout these years the community was attended by different ministers. Due to the proximity to the Evangelical Seminary of Theology of Matanzas many seminarians did a great work of formation, contributing to the spiritual and educational growth of the community.
In October of 1987 a cyclone that struck Cuba demolished the church of San Felipe, Deacon and only the small sacristy remained standing. This was a hard blow for the community that was seen found itself without a church, but showing signs of faith, love and commitment to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and far from being discouraged, they continued to gather in that small sacristy that Has been until today the space of celebration of this faithful community that at the moment is composed mostly by women.
Thanks to God and the solidarity of churches, and people in the U.S, funds were obtained for the construction of the church and for the acquisition of a neighboring house. Above all is the support of Rev. Brent Norris of North Carolina, and of Bishops Leo Frade and Peter Eaton of the Diocese of Florida. This year, construction of the church and repair of the rectory are expected to begin.