San Juan Evangelista Episcopal Church
Bacuranao, Cuba
Rev. Frank Fernández Triana, Pastor

This is a small church in a town that is to the east of the Cuban capital to about 9 miles of the Episcopal Cathedral "La Santísima Trinidad", integrated by a humble congregation and rooted in the territory of Bacuranao.
The Church was founded by American missionaries in 1905 who introduced Anglicanism into a milieu greatly influenced by Roman Catholicism. For more than a century, the Church has worked uninterrupted in the proclamation of "The Good News" in the town of Havana.
After 1959, and as a product of the exodus of Episcopalians outside Cuba, the Church suffered long periods of instability. It also underwent a deterioration of its facilities (church and rectory).
At present, work is being carried out based on evangelization as the main objective, supported by an Integral Program for Institutional Development, whose activities basically include evangelization, Christian education or catechism, pastoral care, and self-support of the Church.
The achievement of the objectives has been hampered by the unfavorable state of the church building and multipurpose hall, which need urgent repair.