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  • jeremy cage

PLEASE HELP - Only $350 from each CEEP Church to buy a NEW 15-passenger bus for Cuba.

Thank you to the churches and individuals who have already contributed to the Cuba Bus Challenge. We are about 25% of the way there - so we still have a long way to go to reach our goal of raising the funds to buy a NEW 15-passenger bus from the Mercedes Benz dealership in Havana, priced very reasonably (for Cuba) at $55,000.

So as you pack up and head to the CEEP conference this week, PLEASE bring along $350 (check made payable to St. Luke's Parish) to enable us to buy this bus, and drop it off at the Friends of the Episcopal Church of Cuba table at the conference. As mentioned in our previous post, only $350 from each CEEP member church will enable us to buy this bus.

Reliable transportation throughout Cuba is a huge challenge. The need has become more urgent as the number of US companionship parishes has increased dramatically over the past two years. Compounding the challege is the recent ban on US flights to any other airport beyond Havana. We need these buses to safely and reliably transport US church groups to their companion churches throughout Cuba. The current Episcopal Church of Cuba bus is over 40 years old, and in desperate need of retirement! These 15-passenger buses are not guaranteed to remain available for long - so there is a great sense of urgency to raise the funds necessary to buy the second bus. Again, if all CEEP churches donate only $350, we would have the necessary funds. Please consider donating at least this amount, so that we can help the Episcopal Church in Cuba to keep moving forward!!

Tax deductible donations can be made online via our website (; at our booth at the upcoming CEEP conference in Louisville Kentucky; or checks made payable to St. Luke's Parish can be mailed to: St. Luke's Parish, 1864 Post Road, Darien CT 06820 . Please write FECC Bus in the memo line.

God Bless, and thank you in advance for your help.

Any questions - please call us at (203) 858-5794

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