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200 attend the 108th Annual Synod in Cuba

jeremy cage

The Episcopal Church of Cuba held its 108th Annual Synod, presided by Rvma Griselda Delgado del Carpio, Diocesan Bishop, from 24 to 26 February 2017.

With the presence of around 200 people, the Episcopal Church of Cuba celebrated the important event in the Church of Faithful to Jesus, in the city of Matanzas, in the province of the same name, an hour from Havana.

The Chapel La Resurrección, located in the Evangelical Seminary of Theology of Matanzas, served as a space for prayer and worship.

The morning of the first day began with the Eucharistic Service and Renewal of the Vows of Ordination. The preaching was in charge of the Primate His Grace, Fred Hiltz, President of the Metropolitan Council for Cuba and Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, who had been present during all the Synod. After this healthy start, the work session continued with the expected Diocesan Bishop's Address in which she expressed, among other topics, the missionary ardor that is developing in the communities, the work of the Lay people and the vocation for the priesthood. She mentioned various historical events that are relevant this year, such as the 70th anniversary of the Consecration of our Cathedral, and the 50th anniversary of the first election of a Cuban Bishop, Autonomy and Extraprovinciality, and the creation of a Metropolitan Council, under whose authority is the diocese.

On the second day, various presentations on the life and work of the Church were presented in the Cuban context. They highlighted the New Ministries Program (formation for lay leaders); The Justice Camp: The Common Good, a joint event between Canada and Cuba; The Music Festival, the Alpha Program; The Missionary Development Program, The Pastoral Program for Adolescents, Constructions, Camp Blankinship, Women's Dept., and Dept. of Youth.

Members of the Synod and delegates received an update on the various processes that the Church is developing, including the healthy state of relations with the Anglican Church of Canada and the process of reincorporation of the Episcopal Church of Cuba to TEC.

The impacts of the work of the Cuban Diocese during the last three years were also announced, as well as the General Work Strategy for the triennium 2017-2019, with the vision, mission and objectives to be achieved within the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone participated with joy in the event and took their responsibilities in the tasks assigned for the next three years of service and love for the Cuban people.

Our focus will be on the Pastoral Accompaniment and service to the family; the Educational Ministry of the Church, and the Pastoral Vocation.

The Missionary Development Program was highlighted by the initiatives it is promoting in the communities, specially the past year its new Savings Group program. Through the workshops, this program continues to train lay leaders in Project Formulation and the new concepts he uses to follow up, evaluate and report on his actions and results.

The Closing Service was presided by the Primate Fred Hiltz and Bishop Griselda Delgado. The preaching was led by Bishop Leopoldo Frade. It was the ideal time to recognize elderly people who during their lifetime contributed with their testimony and their fidelity to the cause of the Gospel in our Diocese.

Likewise, an acknowledgment was granted to the beloved Bishop Suffragan ® Ulises Agüero Prendes, for his ten years of Consecration in this Ministry of love and service.

Recognition was also given to the Anglican Church of Canada for its solidarity and support, in the person of Archbishop Fred Hiltz, within the framework of the tenth anniversary of his Consecration as Primate. Together with him, Secretary General Rev. Can. Dr. Michael Thompson and Dr. Andrea Mann of the Office of Global Relations of the Canadian Church, for their support and fraternal love for the Cuban Church.

At the same time, the Diocese of Florida was recognized for 30 years of companion in the Mission with the Diocese of Cuba.

The following participated in the Synod:

Rev. Frederick Hiltz, Rev. Michael Thompson, Rev. Andrea Maan, Rev. William Mouse y Mrs. Christyn Perkons from the Anglican Church of Canada.

Rev. Father Angel R. Rivera, Elected Bishop, Rev. Dog. Rafael L. Morales Maldonado and Mrs. Abigail Ruíz from the Diocese of Puerto Rico.

Rev. Deacon Carlos Austin from the Diocese of Panama.

Bishop ® Leopoldo Frade, representing the Primate Michael Curry, and from Task Force for the The Cuban Episcopal Church´s return into TEC.

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