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La Anunciación Episcopal Church
Florida, Camagüey, Cuba
Rev. Rody Perez Risco, Pastor

According to parochial data the first Service of the Church was an Evening Prayer by the Rev. Segundo Luya Barberá attended by 45 people, celebrated on January 1, 1940 in a rented location that served as a church.
On January 16, 1941, Bishop Blankingship, as President of the Church Association in Cuba, purchased the former Roman Catholic church of Florida which then became the Episcopal Church.
Currently the Church has several programs or ministries that carry out evangelical and missionary work at the community level. As a Church-Family they have a principle: "Reach one more person for Christ, teaching him the way to love and serve in the family.”
Classification: B
Nearest Airport(s):
Camagüey, approx. 1 hour
- Church building
Cost Range:
$25,000 - $40,000
Current partner(s):
- Good Shepherd, Jacksonville, FL
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